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Thursday, 8 November 2012

World COPD Day November 14th 2012


For those of you of a certain age like us the word GOLD written in capitals should be followed by an exclamation mark and make you want to break out into a song. In this case however it stands for something a little more serious the  Global Initiative for Chronic Lung Disease  

The Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) works with health care professionals and public health officials to raise awareness of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and to improve prevention and treatment of this lung disease for patients around the world.

The first World COPD Day was held in 2002. Each year organizers in more than 50 countries worldwide have carried out activities, making the day one of the world's most important COPD awareness and education events. This year November 14th will be World COPD Day with the theme “It’s Not Too Late.” a positive message chosen to emphasize the meaningful actions people can take to improve their respiratory health, at any stage before or after a COPD diagnosis.

If you want to find out how you can get involved on a more local level you can contact the British Lung Foundation or if you yourself are needing help and support why not check out just what is available locally. BLF across the UK

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