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Wednesday, 28 May 2014

What is a Pari O-PEP?

The Pari O-PEP, what a brilliant name. Even though personally I wouldn't benefit from a mucus clearance device I would still love to own one just for the name. It lives up to its title too, it's jaunty looking and comes in a perky little red bag. 

Of course mucus clearance devices aren't suitable for everybody and you can read HERE just who would benefit from using one. I have to say when used appropriately many of you find they bring not just the benefits expected but for some of you a whole new lease of life. Many of you report you dread not having it by your side. This brings me back to that perky little red bag for the Pari O-PEP, we get many calls from those of you who have left your mucus clearance device behind in a hotel room or it has simply been mislaid. Well take a look HERE, you would find it difficult to forget to pack this one.

 If you are looking for an Oscillating Positive Pressure device the why not choose the new Pari O-PEP you can order HERE

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