Welcome to our online support service. We hope to provide a platform for questions asked and answered by actual nebuliser users. Questions such as how to choose and get the best out of your nebuliser.

We encourage you to post or ask any product related comments and ideas but please avoid any profanity or leaving your personal contact information such as email or phone numbers.

We look forward to hearing from you and will help where we can.

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Philips Innospire Go, Best price ever

Have you always wished to get out and about? Visiting friends, travelling life? Well now its just got a whole lot easier. The new Philips Innospire Go has come down in price. You can find lots of details on this blog or why not click on the link HERE to check it out in all its glory, call 01942 701210 to chat or email HERE

Go with the Innospire Go, its as Easy as 1 2 3 

1 comment:

  1. Here's what Mark thinks about his Innospire Go
    I'm loving the nebuliser (if you can love a nebuliser). I think over the years I have purchased 4 or 5 nebulisers and various accessories / spare parts from you. The advice provided on the the phone and the service that you provide is excellent. Long may it continue!
    You can read more of his review and follow his Asthma blog here https://asthmablog1971.wordpress.com
