Welcome to our online support service. We hope to provide a platform for questions asked and answered by actual nebuliser users. Questions such as how to choose and get the best out of your nebuliser.

We encourage you to post or ask any product related comments and ideas but please avoid any profanity or leaving your personal contact information such as email or phone numbers.

We look forward to hearing from you and will help where we can.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Complimentary Therapies and Nebulisers

We take calls many times a month from those of you who have spoken to practitioners of complimentary therapies and have been recommended a therapy via a nebuliser. As we have written previously we can certainly help you choose a nebuliser, have a chat about how it works and how it will fit into your lifestyle, but we don't have the knowledge base or expertise to discuss the suggested therapy and these are questions you must put to your practitioner. 

A nebuliser is a medical device and can have serious side effects, as could the medicine or therapy you choose to use in it. In the U.K. nebulisers and nebuliser medications are licensed and monitored by the
Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency

The British Lung Foundation have some really good advice about complimentary therapies which you can find HERE or you could have a chat in any of the forums on our useful links

We also get approached quite often by therapist themselves and although we have said no in the past, we feel in response to demand, its now time to set up a dedicated page for those of you who are interested. You can find their links and a little bit about their practice by clicking HERE, using the search facility, or the label on the right hand side of this page. If any therapist want to get back in touch about being added to the list you can email HERE

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