Welcome to our online support service. We hope to provide a platform for questions asked and answered by actual nebuliser users. Questions such as how to choose and get the best out of your nebuliser.

We encourage you to post or ask any product related comments and ideas but please avoid any profanity or leaving your personal contact information such as email or phone numbers.

We look forward to hearing from you and will help where we can.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Nebuliser Product Reviews and Comments

Yesterday we had an email asking for a space for customer feedback, so here goes.

We have kick started it with a few links to existing product reviews and personal comments but you are all welcome to add your own. However for those of you with a wicked glint in your eye unlike some other review websites we do have editorial control and although honest appraisals, genuine reviews and concerns will be very welcome, cheeky devilment won’t.
Read Marks' review of the Innospire Go on his blog
One thing we have learnt over 20 odd years is when it comes to choosing a nebuliser 'one size doesn't suit all'

Monday, 13 February 2012

Nebuliser Medication

For some of you who need regular nebuliser medication cost of prescriptions can be very expensive, especially if you are to taking other medications as well. The Prescription Payment Certificate can offer a way to keep costs as low as possible for those of you who aren’t entitled to free prescriptions and more details can be found here

Asthma UK along with other organisations in the Prescription Charges Coalition have campaigned for many years to keep prescription charges down and once again are asking for your support to encourage this Government to freeze the cost of prescriptions till 2015

If you would like to add your signature to their campaign click on the link below: 
