Welcome to our online support service. We hope to provide a platform for questions asked and answered by actual nebuliser users. Questions such as how to choose and get the best out of your nebuliser.

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Monday, 21 March 2011

Nebuliser Accessories

Have you changed yours recently? 
At least once a week we get a call from a nebuliser user or their carers panicking because their unit isn’t working. As with any machine this is quite possible and over time some just wear out, even under guarantee faults can develop. But the first priority should always be to check your spares and accessories and you can find our full range by clicking HERE or on the red clickable links in this page. 
So how often should you change them?
There is no definite rule and each manufacturer has different recommendations. The questions to ask yourself are:

How often do I nebulise? 
Common sense tells you that if you nebulise several times a day, all year round, you need to be particularly conscientious  Just how long you have been using that chamber? Time flies and somethings can get missed. 
Which medication am I using? 
Some medications are stickier or thicker than others which means extra care has to be taken to ensure all accessories are free from residual medication which may block the jet holes causing the unit to nebulise less efficiently or not at all.
Did you choose a nebuliser with reusable accessories or disposable ones?
So, as a rough guide but by no means a definitive answer
Durable Medication Chambers such as, 
Philips Respironics Reusable Sidestream, Ventstream Sidestream Plus Medication Chamber
Omron V.V.T. Medication Chamber.

Should be washed in warm soapy water after each use, rinsed and left to air dry.  If kept clean by weekly boiling they can last between 6 to 12 months depending on which unit you chose.  Always dismantle the chambers before boiling and take extra care not to damage the jet holes. 
Disposable Medication Chambers such as,
Clement Clarke Medix Lifecare
Philips Respironics Disposable Sidestream Chamber
Must be washed and rinsed after each use as above but NEVER BOILED and should be changed at least every 12 weeks. 
Don’t forget to replace the baffle when reassembling any of the medication chambers.
Masks and Mouthpieces also need to be washed and rinsed regularly but Drive lines and Air tubes are better kept dry. If you have a durable medication chamber its more likely you will have a durable drive line so check your manufactures instructions. Filters should always be checked regularly to ensure they are clean and dry, some should be changed as often as every 3 months. If filters become blocked your nebuliser won’t function efficiently. 

The Omron MicroAir and the Medix Microneb have a cleaning regime all of their own and more details can be found HERE.
For those of you who suffer from recurrent, frequent infections your heath professional may recommend a different regime and if advised to change your accessories more often it may be more economical to choose a nebuliser with those that are disposable. 
As always we are here to help so please feel free to contact us if you have any worries or concerns with regards choosing the most suitable unit or caring for it afterwards.


  1. what do you do about medication

  2. Medication for a nebuliser comes from your G.P. on prescription so it is always wise to check that he is happy for you to have a nebuliser at home. More information about commonly prescribed medicines are detailed in this blog.
