Welcome to our online support service. We hope to provide a platform for questions asked and answered by actual nebuliser users. Questions such as how to choose and get the best out of your nebuliser.

We encourage you to post or ask any product related comments and ideas but please avoid any profanity or leaving your personal contact information such as email or phone numbers.

We look forward to hearing from you and will help where we can.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Time to replace your old faithful nebuliser?

Over the years the manufacture of nebulisers has changed. As components and materials have improved some companies have chosen to produce units that do not require annual servicing. You can see for yourself by clicking on our link https://evergreen-nebulizers.co.uk/

In the good old days every nebuliser needed a full service to maintain peak performance but now some manufacturers are offering service free models with a 3 year comprehensive guarantee, taking the view that the service costs saved over the life of the machine more than cover the cost of a brand new unit. You can see whats available on the links below.
This got us thinking. Who has the oldest nebuliser that is still used on a daily basis? We have a customer in Liverpool who has just had to replace a nebuliser that she’s had longer than she can remember so the gentleman in Preston who still relies on a compressor that he bought in 1992 is the oldest we know of. Unless of course you know different?