Welcome to our online support service. We hope to provide a platform for questions asked and answered by actual nebuliser users. Questions such as how to choose and get the best out of your nebuliser.

We encourage you to post or ask any product related comments and ideas but please avoid any profanity or leaving your personal contact information such as email or phone numbers.

We look forward to hearing from you and will help where we can.

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Nebulising Colloidal Silver and other Complimentary therapies.

More and more we are getting calls from those of you who have sought the advice of an alternative or complimentary therapy practitioner. Often your practitioner has already suggested an complimentary remedy, such as colloidal silver , and the nebuliser unit they think appropriate for the purpose. However we also get many calls from you asking us to recommend an alternative therapy and a suitable nebulising unit and you can view our range by clicking HERE

Recommending complimentary remedies is way beyond our knowledge base and we have had no training in this regard other than the information available to all on the internet and occasional feedback from customers, so we wouldn’t know where to begin.

A nebuliser is a medical device and can have serious side effects, as can the medicine that’s used in it. In the U.K. nebulisers and nebuliser medications are licensed and monitored by the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency

Always do your research thoroughly. Some alternative and complimentary therapies, such as acupuncture, are more regulated and researched than others. Some complimentary preparations can be dangerous and react with many prescription medicines, or lead to a build up of chemicals in your body.

The British Lung Foundation recommend that you always:
Discuss it with your doctor or nurse.
Keep taking your prescribed medication.
Check whether the therapy is available on the NHS.
Make sure that any therapist you consult is a member of the relevant professional body.
Make sure that your therapist knows about any medication or treatment you are using.
Never try to diagnose or treat yourself.
Avoid buying products (in shops, by post or over the internet) that you have not been 
advised to buy by a qualified therapist.

You can find more information about various therapies and their governing bodies HERE.

If following careful consideration you decide that a complimentary therapy may be beneficial to you we can assist with your choice of nebuliser and the nebuliser questions you need to ask your therapist are really the same as when choosing a nebuliser for prescription medication. How many times a day will I need to nebulise and for what period of time? How sticky or viscous is the remedy and what sort of quantity of liquid will I be nebulising? These are just the nebuliser questions you need to consider but there are many other questions you should asking.

You may find other beneficial information throughout this blog, and remember nebulisers are designed to drive a strong solution deep into your lower airways. They are not suitable for everyone and, as a medical device, carry their own warnings and contra indications. Only make an informed decision after checking with your G.P. first

Monday, 27 June 2011

Do you suffer from Sinusitis, Acute or Chronic or Rhinitis?

We no longer stock the RC Cornet N. However it can still be found on the internet here

Sinusitis, Acute or Chronic and Rhinitis can be painful and debilitating. The RC Cornet-N is a non medicinal but effective way to help relieve your symptoms.

RC Cornet-N liquifies sticky mucus, widens narrow sinus passages, improves the passage of mucus and stimulates blood and lymph flow in the nose and throat, all of which help to reduce any swelling.

So how does it work?

Its made up of a nose piece and a rubber valve hose in a curved tube. Blowing into the nose piece causes pressure fluctuations and vibrations which in turn push and pull on the mucus blockages in your sinuses

Using the RC Cornet-N twice a day will massage and stimulate the cilia (tiny hairs) which transport excess mucus away as well as help increase blood supply to the airway lining (mucosa), which in turn will help fight the inflammation. It will also extend the small passages of your sinuses and help to restore them to normal pressure.

Okay, it doesn’t sound or look very pretty but it is effective and results can be felt as quickly as 10 minutes after therapy as the mucosal swelling starts to reduce and blockages slowly begin to dissolve. Luckily its very easy to clean and can be sterilised either in a pan of boiling water, in your dishwasher or by soaking in a antiseptic solution.

So if you’re suffering from nasal congestion, sinus headaches, sneezing, an itchy nose, post nasal drip or a tickley cough, whatever the initial cause, be it an infection, hay fever, or other allergies why not give it some thought. The RC Cornet-N isn’t particularly glamourous but it won’t make you drowsy or carry the side effects that some medications can.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Sinus Relief

Sinusitis is often overlooked by both patient and healthcare providers though symptoms can be painful and persistent. Your sinuses are hollow air pockets in the bones of the face and head which are lined with a thin layer of tissue. Its purpose it to make a layer of mucus which keeps your sinus’s healthy, lubricated and to flush away any germs.

Rhinitis, Acute Sinusitis and Chronic Sinusitis, occur when these linings become swollen  and produce extra mucus which may not drain freely as it should. This can lead to nasal congestion causing pain or pressure in your teeth or face (especially at either side of your nose). Other symptoms may be a raised temperature, nasal discharge, headache, earache, an inability to smell, fatigue or a cough.

Rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal passages and is often caused by allergies such as hay fever, colds or a reaction to some medications, and for some people it can be a life long condition with no discernible cause. Symptoms can include nasal congestion, sneezing, itching, a runny nose, and the sensation that mucus is draining down the back of your throat (post nasal drip).

Acute Sinusitis is quite common, often caused by infection, usually viral, such as following a cold. It comes on quickly and lasts less 12 weeks.

Chronic Sinusitis is more persistent and can last for many months or occur multiple times in one year. Causes can vary and include  infection, nasal polyps, allergies and even some medical conditions may mean you’re more at risk, such as Cystic Fibrosis

Possibly the first person to speak to should be your pharmacist as some symptoms can be relived by over the counter medications such as decongestants, nasal sprays and analgesics. He may suggest a visit to your G.P. who could prescribe further  medication such as antibiotics or may even refer you to an E.N.T. specialist

A non medicinal and effective way to relive your symptoms is the RC Cornet-N which can be found here

Friday, 17 June 2011

NHS Hospital Nebulisers

We often get requests from customers for the “the nebuliser they use in hospitals”

However there isn’t a standard model chosen by the NHS and having supplied, serviced and repaired hospital nebulisers for over 20 years we know it can vary quite widely. Hospitals, wards, clinics, specialist nurses and consultants have their own criteria which can be based on many different factors including the latest research, cost, suitability for purpose, performance capability and just which nebuliser may suit your individual needs. To check out our many different models click HERE

Choosing the “same” unit for perhaps an elderly relative who is comforted by its  familiarity is a good decision but not necessarily the right decision for everyone.

We have blogged before about the important aspects to consider when choosing a nebuliser to be used at home. One size definitely doesn’t  fit all. A general all purpose unit that stacks easily on a shelf is not necessarily going to be the most suitable to allow you to continue going about your daily life, nor will it take you out and about. It may also be quite unsuitable for the medication you have been prescribed. It may need an annual service, and could prove quite costly if the spares and accessories aren’t fit for purpose or readily available. Check out the red clickable links in this blog to explore further.

So don’t forget to stop and think. Our frequently asked questions and other posts cover a wide range of questions you should consider before purchase. Your Respiratory Nurse may already have a specific nebuliser in mind which they feel will be beneficial to your treatment plan and our kindred spirits and useful links will be able to give you independent 
advice based on years of experience.

Manufactures continually upgrade their products and research into nebulisation is an on going process. Medications are reassessed, protocols change and many professionals strive to make a concerted effort to bring you the most effective treatment available, so that in the words of Trevor Clay, who was the founder of Breathe Easy, a General Secretary for the Royal College of Nursing as well as having Emphysema, “people should live with their lung condition” and not “suffer from it”

Initially choosing the right nebuliser to suit your needs may seem overwhelming. There is a lot of information out there but it's not as daunting as it might seem and we and many others are here to help, so feel to call us on 01942 701210, email HERE or post below.

Monday, 13 June 2011

This week is National Breathe Easy Week

Monday June 13th - Sunday June 19th

So who are Breathe Easy?

We’ve blogged before about how even the best expert patient can sometimes feel lonely and overwhelmed by their lung condition and how some of you feel isolated and different from everyone else. We regularly talk to many of you who feel unsure and confused of the best way forward.

Breathe Easy is a branch of the British Lung Foundation where not only those with a lung condition but family and carers of sufferers too, can come together for mutual support and advice. It provides information on lung health as well as a collective voice to raise awareness of the daily battle that living with a lung condition can involve. Its a chance to share your experience and they are experts at listening.

So just what is Breathe Easy Week?

It is the flagship campaign of the British Lung FoundationLocal Breathe Easy Groups will be holding talks, teas, quiz nights and other activities to raise awareness and promote lung health. The theme this year is Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and the BLF are launching a 'sleep survey'  to discover who suffers and how this can affect your lifestyle. Their latest research shows that over a third of you sleep in separate beds because of your partners loud snoring. Annoying in itself but loud snoring is also one of the main indicators for OSA which could be detrimental to your health. They even provide an online indicator known as the 'sleepiness scale'

Breathe Easy groups are local and here you can find a group near you. Whatever your lung condition I’m sure they will be happy you popped by to say hello. So get involved you can start on line right now. Many of you have found it a very positive experience. Even we have made many new friends on line.

And if this doesn’t quite fit the bill, don’t forget our other kindred spirits who are equally warm, welcoming and more than willing to help wherever you are in the UK.

Monday, 6 June 2011

Dual Voltage Nebulisers to take you travelling.

What do we mean by Dual Voltage Nebulisers?

More and more products such as mobile phones and lap top computers have a dual voltage capability. This means that they are designed to operate efficiently and safety with either 110/120Volts such as in America and the Caribbean or 220/240Volts, the system we have here in the U.K. and in Europe. All you may need is the plug adaptor to convert your device to the style of the country your visiting which can make life much simpler. However assuming this applies to all electrical devices could lead to disaster.

Many nebulisers still have only a single voltage capability and mistakes can easily be made.  We get frequent calls from American or Canadian visitors who have “blown up” their nebuliser as the voltage here is the U.K. is higher and conversely many people begin their long awaited holiday with a desperate scramble to source a nebuliser as the one they took with them from home just won’t run at all. It can be an expensive and worrying mistake to make as nebulisers in some other countries are often more difficult to source and more expensive to buy.

So before purchasing any nebuliser, it pays to consider its suitability for your lifestyle as well as its compatibility with the medication you will be prescribed. You can clink on the red links below to view our range or click HERE to view all portable models.

Nebulisers which are dual voltage are:

For those of you who prefer to cruise, a dual voltage nebuliser will work on board ship  though its always wise to check with the travel company, and some models come complete with a 12 volt D.C. lead so you can nebulise when necessary from the cigarette lighter in your car or caravan.

So if you are only going to purchase one unit consider those which are dual purpose as well as dual voltage. If you are lucky enough to travel frequently, stop a moment and think of just where in the world you hope to visit  next and would a battery enhance your holiday? Or if being small and lightweight is essential maybe it will necessary to have a second nebuliser to take you there.